Jakub Hájek, František Hanousek (CZ) OPENING Do. 02.07.2020 / 19 Uhr
Day 5. I was late to the party and decided better late than never. This event is pretty neat and gives me a reason to use my awesome art pens I neglect.
At certain surprising, almost mysterious moments of our lives it happens that suddenly everything starts working with admirable ease. Things interconnect and click into each other. One can see through them, see under their surface. For a short time period one clearly understands things, comprehends their language, their silent community. At the same time, one sees in them a certain degree of imperfection, something unsightly about their shape and purpose. That is why one is gripped by the desire to change everything, cultivate it, bend it to serve one’s immediate needs, as well as one’s indistinct, foggy visions. This obdurate need springs from one’s insides and floods the entire body with a quiver of youthfulness, an infantile playfulness, launching itself at everything with anything dubious moving out of its way. It transforms matter with fearless ease, pervades space and gives it new meaning, the illusion of a new order, a new starting point. In the final phase, an intense tremor passes through the body, the knowledge of returning to a calm, old person’s resignation, but this cannot be avoided. Intense moments do not last forever and all that remains are new forms in an old space. A feeling of losing something exceptional takes hold, one feels an inner emptiness that needs to be filled. Sometimes one even feels shame on account of inappropriate behaviour, inappropriate insinuations. That’s why we look to the society of others for confirmation that what is at stake is not some insignificant shred of the past, but that one actually witnessed something important, that one created something that will endure, something unforgettable. One already knows in advance that nothing can replace these mysterious and unexpected moments, that one will never be given satisfactory praise, an adequate appraisal. (Text: Jiří Skála / Translation: Marek Tomin)

Jakub Hájek
since 2018 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Intermedia Work III / Tomáš Vaněk; assistants Jiří Kovanda and Jiří Skála 2017-2018 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Stuido of Intermedia I / Milena Dopitová 2014-2017 Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia, Studio of Multimedia; graduated bachalor’s degree 2009-2013 Secondary school of Arts and Crafts in Prague, Studio of Graphic design
František Hanousek
since 2018 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague,Studio of Intermedia Work III / Tomáš Vaněk School; assistants Jiří Kovanda and Jiří Skála 2015-2018 Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia, Studio of New Media; graduated bachalor’s degree 2010-2015 Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Bechyně, Studio of Multimedia design; Studio of Graphic design

SOLO & GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2020 – 7 Reasons To Smile More; curated by Tina Poliačková & Lumír Nikl; at Holešovická Šachta; Prague 2020 – Hairy earthtongue, weeping toothcrust, fairy rings, curated by Lukáš Hofmann, Futura project in Prague 2020 – Wasting Around: Tradition in Verses; at gallery Bistro 21 in Leipzig 2019 – Tomorrow I Will Take A Knife To Your Confidence; at A.M. 180 gallery; Prague 2019 – Biedermeier Partygoers; by&w/ Šimon Sýkora and Soyoungg Bae; at Painball spot cure by Hrob in Olomouc 2019 – Floor is Lava by&w/ Adrian Altman; Nik Timková Zuzana Žabková at City Surfer Office in Prague2019 – NGP – Anežka LIVE! Videokemp; one-day show; Curated by PGS/Viktor Čech2019 – ‘MICE IN MINE, MADE MY MIND LIKE A MAZE-LIKE MINE’, curated by PGS at NATIONAL TECHNICAL MUSEUM2019 – Informa; curated by Jiří Havlíček and Roman Štětina at Kamenická 5 in Prague2019 – Enjoye TV; curated by Olga Krykun/ Gallery Konstfack, Stockholm2019 – The Hills Have Eyes; curated by Jakub Hošek a Nik Timková/ Hot dock space project; Bratislava 2018– Come dine with Adrian; Curated by Adrian Altman 2017– Hand and Gloves/ Moving station, Plzeň (with Jakub Hájek, Vojtěch Hlaváček and Albert Hrubý) 2017– Rezzyme/ Public library in Strakonice (with Jakub Hájek and Vojtěch Hlaváček)