Archiv Ausstellung

Vladimir Turner & Mathieu Tremblin: “Public Jokes” Vernissage: 17.Okt. 19 Uhr




Public Jokes

a duo show by
Vladimír Turner (CZ) &
Mathieu Tremblin (FR)
curated by Alain bieber (DE)

from 18 October to 1 November 2013
opening Thursday 17 October at 19.00

in C. Rockefeller
Center For The Contemporary Arts,

Nicht verpassen! Die erste gemeinsame Ausstellung von Mathieu Tremblin und Vladimir Turner in Dresden (C. Rockefeller Center), Vernissage & Eröffnungsperformance ist am 17. Oktober, ab 19.00 Uhr! Und danach geht es mit dem Duo nach Halle zum Werkleitz-Festival – am Freitag, 18. Oktober, 18 Uhr läuft Alain Biebers Filmprogramm “Streetism!” mit Mathieu Tremblin & Vladimir Turner; und Filmen von Akay, Love & Security, Sebastian Haslauer, Nug & Pike, Ivan Argote, Brad Downey, Jaroslav Kysa, Vojtěch Fröhlich, Ondřej Mladý, Jan Šimánek, Messieurs Delmotte, Leopold Kessler, Francis Alÿs, The Cleaning Unit.

“It could have started like a childish joke “A Czech, a French and a German guy are in the same boat” but “Public Jokes” is more about the first duo show of Vladimír Turner (CZ) and Mathieu Tremblin (FR) curated by Alain Bieber (DE) since the three met in 2011 at the occasion of a workshop organised by Memefest (SI) in Nijmegen (NL). The title refers to the French expression “private jokes” – in-joke (for inside-joke) in English. And the show is mainly a focus on how artists urban intervention art is using humor to deal with cultural mistakes and similarities regarding globalization, politics and urbanism.

Exploring the relationship between spontaneous and autonomous actions and their restitution, Bieber, Tremblin and Turner are gathering various commentaries picked up from the streets to the Internet in order to tell the “story” behind each gesture trying not to losing its original energy and openness to interpretation. The show is interrogating the way of bringing individual desire (private) to common audience (public) until, as a kind of popular success, the action itself is brought into informal language, becoming a kind of rumor like a good story you tell to your friends or a urban legend. Because at the end, everyday life is the place where the art effects of urban intervention can be fully felt and assume greater significance.

As an example, the Pistachio video documentation is a sort of zero level illustration of how this humorous mechanic proceeds. The two artists are framing themselves in a private and boring situation sharing beer and pistachios until they do in the last few seconds some unexpected sophomoric DIY twist which bring sense to the situation and a lot of self-derision about the urban hacking culture people are usually relating them too.”