Das C. Rockefeller Center eröffnet das Jahr 2020 mit seinem legendären DCA Rundgang Special und feiert in sein 10 jähriges Bestehen mit der Abschlussveranstaltung des diesjährigen Galerienrundgangs mit vielen Audio künstlerischen und installativen Beitragen. Freuen sie sich auf Arbeiten von:
Thomas Judisch, Daniel Schramm, Lars Frohberg, Andreas Ullrich, Lucie Freynhagen, Willy Schulz, Tony Franz, Paul Waak, Moritz Liebig, Projekt HOBBY und Suntje Sagerer
DJ ShluchT (Berlin) * LEO NAKY SNUTJE (CZ) * Blue Stork (Berlin) * HARRY POWDER (Linz) * YESUS (Stuttgart) * MI / AMO (Live!!!) * Danger Hunt (Dresden)
START: 20:30 Uhr / ab 22 Uhr 4€ Eintritt
Blue Stork is the pattern exploring project of Nicolas Humbert in which he blends footwork, club music tropes, gaming and internet youth culture into eclectic, minimal tracks composed with code in SuperCollider and TidalCycles. He currently studies Fine Arts at the Universität der Künste Berlin and is part of The Society for Nontrivial Pursuits in the UdK Medienhaus. web: https://soundcloud.com/potdl
Hailing from Berlin DJ SchluchT works at DIYChurch.org as one of their unpaid interns since more than 10 years. He made himself a name with abstract social behaviour online and in real live as well as naive ghost coding and tape looping. His Dj sets are very eclectic – drug referential stoner-logic reflecting on movies without watching them and basically it always sounds the same or like one of his critics once said: „classic intuitive wrongfootedness“. When he is not djing or radioing or helping out at westgermany, shlucht likes to sit in his virtual bay & watch his yachts, little known but he runs a virtual yacht club where he shares his enthusiasm for underwater landscape painting and networked waves and content managment systems. He also released some mixtapes & audio works: Snakes on a Plane via ZAMZAM records / Dark films that eyes see at night via Stenze Quo records / spears – Utilitarian Outlook via more records / eine nervtötende geräumigkeit via Staaltapes / civilization via spam / https://partymitmusik.bandcamp.com/track/pocket-memories-a-ssentialedit / https://www.mixcloud.com/prepaidrecords/prepaid-radio-ppr11-dj-shlucht-side-b/ / https://soundcloud.com/sredni-vashtar/dj-shlucht_saskiakuschelmix
linkseeka (fka Danger Hunt) has been out here a while, lost track but gained style. Connecting different sounds, minds and worlds. Find him somewhere between trap muzik, phonk, footwork, vaporwave and club music, infused with funk, jazz, instrumental hiphop beats, japanese 80s-pop and oneshot-sample-shenanigans (*cue airhorn sound*). Part of @Infinite Sequence (HIER bitte verlinken) crew.
HARRY POWDER „first you get her name – than you get her number -than you got some brain in that secret chamber“ https://soundcloud.com/powderharry/harry-powder-mixtape-vol1
YESUS (New Hip Hop) Sorry no Link!
MI / AMO (Live!!!)