Thankyou for choosing your stay here.
We kindly invite you to squeeze the lemon.
Please squeeze it all the way. Do not leave a partially squeezed lemon. While you are green, please squeeze the lemon. Do not make a fruit salad. Avoid paper cuts if you can. Please squeeze the lemon all the way. Please do not half-ass it. You are allowed to use a blender. You are allowed to move to the beat. Taste that bitter juice, reap the fruits of your labor, and don’t even think it stops there you’re about to be injected with one hundred percent pure vitamin c straight to the bloodstream can you deal with all this immunity. Of course you can. Please wait one hour before swimming or doing sports.
Please come stay with us again.
A Performance by: Caroline Beach, Casey Ouzounis, Jona Garcia Romo, Carl Ahner, Juliana Sabino
SAMSTAG / Saturday 29.8.2015 (Hechtfest) 20.00 UHR
Rudolf Leonhard Str. 54 HH, Eingang über Tor Hausnr. 58 01097 Dresden >
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