Das »Artist Exchange for Independent Publishing« Projekt ist ein tschechisch-deutsches Künstler*innenresidenzen-Projekt, initiiert und koordiniert durch den Verein friends of DresdenContemporaryArts e.V. im Rahmen des Netzwerk | Medien | Kunst Dresden und partnerschaftlich durchgeführt zwischen der MeetFactory Prag und dem C. Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary Arts Dresden. Im Oktober 2020 konnten die Künstler Deborah Geppert und Clemens Reinecke nach Prag entsendet werden und präsentieren nun gemeinsam mit den tschechischen Residenten Kristina Láníková und Olbram Pavlíček, ihre Arbeiten im Rahmen der Ausstellung MIND OVER MATTER in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden.

Deborah Geppert is an artist who works with varying forms of media such as video, installation, performance, dance and sculpture. Since 2015 she is a student of Carsten Nicolai at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden. Expressing sometimes certain but sometimes indefinable feelings is what she tries to do in many of her works. Her yearning for the depths of the universe is what guides her. Deborah Geppert was born in 1992 in Dresden. In November 2011 she completed her pre – professional dance training with the carrot dancers. In October 2013 she began her studies at the Dresden University of Fine Arts where she has been studying in the class for „time-based media“ with Professor Carsten Nicolai since 2015 and received her diploma in 2020.
Clemens Reinecke studied fine arts at HfBK Dresden. He’s an artist, illustrator and occasional graphics designer working in the fields of experimental drawing and painting, 3D animation and modeling, digital image creation and cg. In his works he exhamines „banal“ or „non-aesthetic“ form variations (based on the means of f.e. comic language, typography, graphic- and industrial design and everyday encounters) as graphic narrative strategy by extracting them into his formal vocabulary and, maintaining a predominantly processual workflow, testing their viability as image or compositional elements. He’s living in Leipzig / GER.

Olbram Pavlicek making sounds and singing at 93Echoesandsirens, ((Scarypool)) and curatoring at PGS. Graduate of bachelor study programme at Supermedia studio and graduate of master programme at Painting studio at AAAD in Prague.

Kristina Láníková (born 1988 in Prague), lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic. She is focusing on visual art and is an author of poetry. She expresses herself through the media of installation, video and she writes poetic texts, whose collections are published in books. Her area of interest is outlined in terms: fragment/detail, body/corporeality, treatment, biopolitical pressure and femininity. 2008 – 2014 she studied at Faculty of Humanities Charles University, in Prague, Czech Republic and from 2012 – 2018 at the Academy of fine arts in Prague, where she received her Master of fine arts in New media (Tomáš Svoboda) and is doing her doctoral studies in Intermedia (Pavla Sceranková a Dušan Zahoranský) since 2020.
“Artist Exchange for Independent Publishing” wird gefördert durch den Deutsch-Tschechischen Zukunftsfonds, sowie durch die Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz, den Verein DresdenContemporaryArt e.V. sowie dem C.Rockefeller Center Dresden.